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Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday Barbie search

Guest post written by Tabitha White

Well one thing hasn't changed over the years, little girls still love Barbie dolls. I first learned that when I had my daughter years ago and up until she was a teenager she would always want a holiday Barbie. Now that my daughter has her own daughter, I'm still doing the same and I know that every year for Christmas she depends on me to give her a Holiday Barbie.

A lot of the time when I'm online shopping now, I'm cringe when I think back to how stressful it used to be to go holiday shopping and to specifically find a holiday Barbie, which was always a nightmare. This year I just ordered it online and after I did that I actually came across the website and read through it some. I thought it over and actually changed over my home internet service to the company after that.

It's always pretty neat to see what the new holiday Barbie looks like each year, especially when you've been buying them for years like me.