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Showing posts with label Coronado beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coronado beach. Show all posts

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Going Beach Bound

Summer is here!, so it's time to start enjoying some sun and sand, don't you think?

America is blessed to have amazing variety of beaches, from the great lakes to the gulf of Mexico.
San Diego, for example, is home port to the US Pacific Fleet, and just by seeing those vessels pass by close to shore is truly an awesome sight.

Have you been to Coronado Beach in California? Coronado consists of 3 separate beaches along the Pacific shoreline close to San Diego.

The north beach faces due south, and when the wind is just right, surfers enjoy the steep angled swells. Mainly, this beach is just lovely for swimming where water is warm and summer surf is mild.

The central beach is one of the most favorite of many for photography. It has fine sand with particles of mica creating a golden sparkle. Just be sure you wear your flip flops when the weather gets too hot!

The shores, another beach which is also called sprawling beach is where mostly long-boarders do their stuff.

There you go...let's go beach bound! It's officially summer time! :).