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Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Living Bible Museum

If you happened to be in Mansfield, Ohio you might want to try visiting this museum where you can see the Holy Bible in life form through their famous tour called "Bible Walk." They would call it; - The Holy Bible that comes to life by touring through a wax museum of Bible characters featuring life-sized dioramas about the popular characters' stories based from the Bible.

It will also be your guide in understanding the basic truth about God's Word. Won't you be glad walking through the Word by walking with your faith as well?

The tours focus on the life of Christ and the miracles of the Old Testament, a tour on the Museum of Christian Martyrs and Heart of the Reformation.

As you will start the tour, you will be walking on hallways and viewing life-like scenes in both sides of the hallway, and these scenes are equipped with a push button for the narration. Musical and sound effects come with the narration.

There are 70 scenes total, and more than 300 wax statues in the museum.

The Living Bible Museum is considered to be Ohio's only life-sized wax museum. Take note that this is a non-denominational. Everybody is invited and enjoy the tours!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mt. Sterling, Ohio Trip Adventure

September 20-21, 2007 - Deer Creek Resort, Mt.Sterling, OHIO

I like the's again another hideaway from busy life. It's a place where you can relax and unwind from daily stressful work.
The name speaks for itself...I only got the chance to take a quick peek on the lake, and I saw mama and papa deer with little bambi on the area...they're sooo cute!
I took a video clip but I haven't check it yet, I think I made it too far..
Anyway, I will try to get some more photos or videos whenever I get the chance. We only have limited time and tomorrow we will go to Mansfield, Ohio for the Living Bible Museum.
I still have to look for deer! Wish me luck I can find one.

I had a big struggle to look for a deer once more...but to no avail. I checked my video that I got from my phone, and it was not good at all. It was all blurred, and little bambi can't be seen, so I just deleted it. I wasn't able to take even a single in nada! Anyway, just to relieve me from not getting any photos for the deer, we decided to drive down to a restaurant, 15-20 miles away from our hotel. Food is good and is home cooked.I love their home style sweet tea, and hubby loves to nibble everything edible inside that restaurant, lol!


Ben & Joy's Restaurant, Mt. Sterling, OH

Meanwhile, we bought a cup for hubby's coffee. And it's still part of his collection. I sometimes wonder where will I place these mug collections, hah! Hhmm, if no more options, I can use his wardrobe cabinet, lol! Here's the video clip I did to him with his beloved mug!