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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Washington National Cathedral (Part 2)


11. South Transept - notice the 3 rose windows that are linked by 3 sacred events connecting humanity with divine: - the Creation, the Last Judgement, and Life Everlasting. The rose window in the south transept is themed the "Church Triumphant", with imagery from the Biblical book of Revelation.

12. The Crossing - this is teh center of the two transept "arms" and the "body" of the long nave, forming a shape of the cross. The Canterbury pulpit has a sculpture depicting people and scenes relating to the translation of the Bible to English. The stones came from Canterbury Cathedral in England.
A crucifixion scene is high overhead on the road beam. "Road" is an old word which means cross or crucifix.

13. War Memorial Chapel - this site depicts stories of sacrifice and the struggle for freedom. This is a tribute to those who served the armed forces.

14. Children's Chapel - the site is where you can see a statue of the Christ Child that was built to the scale of a 6-yr. old child.

15. St. Johns' Chapel - the carvings reflect the Last Supper and the Crucifixion; the windows tell of the miracles of Jesus.

16. High Altar - is located at the last end of the cathedral nave. Surrounding the central figure of Christ in Majesty are 110 figures of men and women that exemplifies the highest ideals of Chrisitianity which completes the icnonographic story with the redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ. On the left is the bishop's chair, - the Glastonbury Cathedra.

17. St. Mary's Chapel - shows scenes from Mary's life, mother of Jesus. On the windows are the parables of Jesus. The story of David and Goliath is told on a 16th-century tapestries.

18. Holy Spirit Chapel - its altar panels were painted by N.C. Wyeth. In the iron gate and on the altar painting is the dove, - the symbol for the Holy Spirit. The chapel is reserved for quiet prayer.

19. North Transept - notice the oldest rose window titled "Last Judgement", - where Jesus Christ as judge is at the center. The window is a medieval stained glass done by Lawrence Saint, - a stained glass artist.

20. West Rose Window - from the mid-nave crossing on the west is the view of west rose window known as the "Creation Rose" that brings the creation story inside the cathedral with an abstract interpretation casting light throughout the nave.
This window including all of the Nave Clerestory are admired for their sparkle, clarity and brilliant color. The 18 clerestory windows reflects the progress of the Hebrew people as God prepared them for the coming of the Messiah.
The windows are meant to be viewed in pairs, so the south windows are linked to the facing north windows.