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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Black Belt

Guest post from: Natalie Walter

I started taking tae kwon do after I was inspired by a television special on women’s personal safety. I debated which self-defense style would be the best for me. I decided to do some research on the different classes in the area. At the dojo that I joined, they had a women’s only class. I have made many new friends over the last couple of years in tae kwon do class. We do the traditional moves and belting, but our instructor also integrates specific self-defense techniques for women in each meeting. I will be doing my black belt testing in two months and I couldn’t be more proud! I feel like my self-discipline and confidence has increased. My instructor must think I’m a great pupil because he asked me to help him teach a self-defense and personal safety class. He wants to integrate personal and home safety tips. My first assignment is to research home security information for the third class. I am excited and think that other women will enjoy and find the program helpful. Hopefully, by the first class I will have a black belt!