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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Trip Tips On Visiting a Danger Zone

Okay, so what if you happened to be traveling to a place or happened to be in a place where war is in progress?
According to Kenin Sites, a war journalist, there are at least 4 main tips worth recommending:

If a war is in progress, always be prepared for self-support medically. Get immunizations before you go such as for yellow fever, hepatitis, malaria, etc. and be sure to know your blood just in case. Always carry a broad-spectrum antibiotic like Cipro to fight traveler's diarrhea and bacterial infections.

You'll need to find a "fixer", - a well-connected guy who knows the language and customs. It should be somebody whom you can trust, and also someone who's an operator. It's all worth it to have that piece of mind you gain at checkpoints even at $100/day.

Be hyperaware. Wherever you maybe, be sure to know your escape routes. If you're entering a volatile situation, it's a must to appear as laid-back and unassuming as possible. Usually, short hair is associated with the military in many of these places, so perhaps it's not bad skipping to skip the pretrip haircut for a while.

You can't just pop up into an internet cafe in a war-torn country. Better yet, travel with a satellite phone and a solar charger. It doesn't only act as for communication but also used for bartering purposes. If you let somebody make a call, you gain their trust. While you're at it, keep trinkets on hand. It sometimes can buy you a big favor even if it's something as small as handing out a pen.