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Monday, November 2, 2009

Tips For Driving An RV - 1

If you plan to rent an RV for an out of town trip or you have one of your own, you might want to check and recheck the following tips before you go on a long trip. It's always good to be prepared always!
  • Parking. - Practice parking before going anywhere. If you're at a campground and you try backing up for the first time, you might hit something that might lead you into trouble.
  • Directions. - Get meticulous directions. Let other people know you're driving a 36-foot motor home that needs the straightest, easiest route. Making a U-turn in an RV is a nightmare! You stop traffic!
  • Pets. - Taking your pet with you is one great advantage with RVing. You don't need to leave your pet in a kennel at home or hotel room. You're bringing your home on the road, so do the same for your pet. Bring his stuff and all will be fine.
  • Packing. - If you're renting, most companies offer packages with sheets, towels, dishes, pots and pans. These eliminates the hassles of having to pack those items.
  • Fuel. - Most motor home generators automatically turn off before the fuel tank is completely empty. There's still some gas left to drive on, but you must fill the tank up right away.
(to be continued...)